Podcasting for Business: How to Launch a Podcast Series and Become a Professional Podcaster

Are you curious about starting your own podcast? Do you want to build your own business brand and connect closer to your target market? This blog is for you.

One Sunday afternoon back in September 2022 I was talking to my partner Will about life goals and aspirations. I’d been curious for a while about launching my own podcast series and becoming a professional podcaster. Surprisingly the conversation became the start of a great journey which would enrich my life and others in many ways through podcasting.

We talked about the target market, ideas and themes for the show. I wanted to inspire others to become unstuck from their own inertia and create positive changes in their lives. Guests on the show would share practical tips and real-life experience about how they got out of negative situations or circumstances to live their best life on their terms.

Two hours later Will and I were taking photos of Lego figures stuck in a tin of treacle! This was how I came up with the name for the show….Get Unstuck Fast! Viscosity Podcast.

I’m now into my fourth season of hosting the Get Unstuck Fast! Viscosity Podcast. The first episode went live on 7th October 2022. Will was my first guest sharing his story of how he solved a problem to shaving 17 billion lives globally as founder of King of Shaves. You can listen to the first episode here.

As I sit and reflect on my podcasting journey I wanted to share some practical tips which may inspire you to launch your own podcast show one day.

1. Begin with the end in mind – Get really clear why you are creating your podcast show in the first place.

Decide on the target audience, think about the core themes / discussion points. Outline how you will measure success and what your key performance indicators will be. You will also need to consider how much time you can allocate to your show and the frequency of episodes.

If you are launching your podcast aligned to building your business there are many benefits including improving visibility, connecting further with your target audience, building brand awareness, brand authority and nurturing valuable relationships. Launching a podcast can also help you become a thought
leader within your industry. It can also increase website traffic and can help grow subscribers /followers.

2. Don’t let fear hold you back – get your Momentum Mindset! – Don’t let fear hold you back from launching your podcast and be open to outsourcing if you need additional support. I was able to create huge
momentum by working with a wonderful business owner called Olivia (Livvi) de Sousa-Ferres who helped me get the podcast show off the ground. Livvi and her team still work with me today helping with the
production of episodes.

Remember before you launch your podcast be discerning on who you share it with pre-launch. 

This quote by Brené Brown really resonated:

3. Get started – Once you’ve decided on your target market, first podcast guests and content for your show it’s time to draft your introductory script. I recorded a short trailer and outsourced the remaining technical aspects to Livvi’s team. I used Canva for graphics and Buzzsprout for cloud-based podcast hosting. When you upload a podcast episode to Buzzsprout it then automatically shares across various streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music etc. Buzzsprout has a user-friendly
dashboard and only a small subscription fee every month. There are many other cloud-based podcasting hosting solutions but Buzzsprout is my personal favourite.

4. The importance of outsourcing and putting systems / processes in place – It’s important to set realistic goals on what you want to achieve as your time is your most valuable commodity. Often in the beginning launching a podcast show is not a revenue generating activity so outsource what you can in terms of arranging podcast interviews, sending out guest draft questions, joining instructions and editing recordings. You can then focus on what you do best which may be working with your clients and creating
more opportunities to build your business.

5. Do your research – If you do decide to interview guests do your research. Check out their social media/ LinkedIn profile. Get curious about them. Ask lots of questions. I normally have an initial discussion first and they receive draft questions prior to the podcast recording.

6. Have a call to action at the end of every episode – Decide in advance what you plan to promote next as a call to action. In my podcast series I promote The Momentum Mindset book by Jonathan S. Bean and I.

As part of your closing remarks during the podcast interview you’ll summarise the main points covered and share how people can get in touch with them via social media including LinkedIn etc.

Below is a podcast checklist to get you started:

  • Decide why you are creating the podcast.
  • How will you measure success?
  • What are your key performance indicators? 
  • Who is your target market/ audience?
  • What will be the podcast theme? 
  • What will be the format (interview guests or not) 
  • Create your podcast brand including the name of the show.
  • Choose your podcasting equipment & recording software. 
  • Decide on what you will outsource (tech/admin etc). 
  • Draft a script including intro and outro for your trailer. 
  • Record the trailer / add music. 
  • Outline your first episode and draft a script. 
  • If interviewing a guest, send draft questions in advance and joining instructions. 
  • Record the first podcast episode. 
  • Edit the episode (outsource) 
  • Create the graphic for the episode. 
  • Create social media posts to promote to your followers. 
  • Share episode remember to tag in your podcast guest thanking them. 
  • Celebrate launching your podcast. 
  • Measure stats via Buzzsprout. 
  • Get feedback for continuous improvement. 
  • Repeat the process again.

Good luck with launching your future podcast. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions or email enquiry@govlm.com.

You can listen to all episodes of Get Unstuck Fast! Viscosity Podcast here.

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